Our 2025 Mission – 50-55 Joint Replacements in 4 Days!

Operation Walk Idaho has set a goal to support El Salvadorian people with 50 joint replacements in 4 days. Dr. Keith Holley, will be taking a team of medical personnel, including nurses and anesthesiologists.

In order to carry out a mission trip to El Salvador we need to raise money to help cover the costs of international travel, housing, food, and transportation for all of our volunteers. We also need to bring all of our supplies down with us.  Everything that you can think of that you may need in order to do a joint replacement surgery needs to be shipped down.

All the recipients of the joint replacements would not otherwise be able to afford the surgeries and many are looking at years in a wheelchair or on crutches, unable to work or enjoy life. Your donations can help someone back on their feet! The surgeries we perform are life-changing for people in need.  We appreciate any donation, large or small – every bit helps.